Digital design for women on the go
Business as you know it is changing. Right now, owners are shifting, twisting and getting creative just to remain relevant in today's hectic world. We get it; we're just like you. Here at Blue Setter Creative, pivoting is our thing and we'd love to help you with yours. Women helping women. That's our super power.
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Podcast: What to expect when working on a new website
Podcast alert! Listen in while Marcy Basile joins the Massage Business Blueprint podcast team for a digital marketing conversation.
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Roadmap to a great story
Perhaps the most difficult paragraphs to craft are those that speak our story: why we do what we do, how we created our business, what inspired us to become a badass business owner. But, hang on a second; answering the why, how, and, what paints a colorful image of the who.
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The 411 on infographics
We've all seen them. They're everywhere these days. A little bit of text plus a few seductive images. They suck you in without even offering you dinner first. This is the one about infographics.
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Five tips for creating a logo
Nothing stops a new business owner like creating a logo. Stop overthinking it and get on with your business. Here are five tips to take the stress out of logo creation.
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Aiming for your target market
Answering a few simple questions will help you develop marketing images targeting your ideal clients.
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